Thursday, March 12, 2020

This Just In...Your Spiritual Economy

This just in...

"To be like Jesus, Oh to to be like Jesus. How I long to be like him." To be a Christian is to be "Christ Like", or just like Christ is. 

We have to depend on him for everything  we do. If we seek him, we will find him. If we knock the dorr will be open. If we seek him, we will definitely find him.

No matter where we find ourselves in life we must depend on him. He knows the next step we should take. We just need to wait on him. 

Isaiah said, even the you would be weary, young men would utterly fall, but they that WAIT upon the lord, sall renew their strength. they shall mount up as eagles with wings, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.

Look at the video I did entitled, "Your Spiritual Economy" below.

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