Relationships - Men and Women (read between the lines below)
The first thing I told my young adults is that the person you are looking to establish an everlasting relationship with has to be God fearing. They my young adults have to also be God fearing.
This is first and foremost. I will break it down Each person should have given their lives over to God. Each person should have confessed with their mouth the Lord Jesus and believed in their heart that God has risen him from the dead. Each person should have received (not begged for) the in filling of the Holy Spirit.
If you don't have the above you will still deal with trouble, but it will be much worse!
If you are both saved, you must realize you are still human. You CANNOT do what MARRIED folk do, when your are NOT married. Don't tempt yourself either. The more you spend time together, the more you will want to spend tim together. You are NOT MARRIED yet, so DON'T DO what MARRIED folk do.
Don't put yourself in situations, where you just windup doing what Married Folks do. You are not married and you do not want the lady to get pregnant and deal with having a child, giving the child up for adoption or WORST, KILLING the child.
Get to know that man or that women. Ask yourself am I ready to spend the REST OF MY LIFE with him or her? Watch how they carry themselves. They may be saved but IS THIS WHO GOD HAS FOR YOU???
You may not get the answers to all of these questions right away and it may take time, you may not find out all the answers until much much later, but this is why you have to be SAVED and HOLY GHOST filled. Trust me, God will provide some of the very answers you need. You have to be willing to listen to him. If you MISS God, just admit it in prayer to him, "Lord I really MISSED you with this person, forgive me and help me". He will for sure, but you HAVE TO MEAN what you are saying and praying. It might be you have to start all over again with someone else, but LEARN from you EXPERIENCES.
This is just a small part, I may be writing a book on this but felt compelled to share this small portion.
Be Blessed, Be Encouraged.
Elder Michael Holman Sr.
Just a video from Bishop TD Jakes with his wife Serita Jakes on RELATIONSHIPS
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