Monday, April 19, 2010

Unleashing The Power Of Facebook Fan Pages (Two Videos)

Unleashing the Power of Facebook Fan Pages:

Question: I notice on your Facebook FanPage there is a tab called, "Wealthy Place ®", which is obviously your Non-Profil Ministry and Registered Trademark.

How do you with Facebook Fan Pages, get your own separate page tab next to "Wall", "Info", "Boxes", etc?

Also how are you able to put your own content in this tab here on Facebook Fan Pages?

It seems like you are able to create you own Website Page all with your own content?

Also are their templates to help you build your Fan Page Tab?


You are absolutely correct!

You are given that power through something I just shared on my Pace University Blackboard group.

It's called Facebook Markeup Language or "FBML".

Just like you can add templates to your webpages you can add templates to your Fan Pages right on Facebook.

Go to on Facebook to see the available templates

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