Geoff Canada
Description: Geoff Canada, of the Harlem Children's Zone talks about the danger of allowing technology to widen the gap between rich kids and poor kids and our responsiblity to ensure that this does not happen.
Ministry based on Psalm 66:12 Website Click Here For http://www.wealthy-place.org/ *There is NO relationship between any Forex Post and any other Business posts*
1) A Free Service for using your computer to Receive and Make Phone Calls
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He served as the director of the NAACP’s youth and college division. He is the Pastor of the fastest growing church in the A.M.E. Denomination. His church grew from forty three supporters to ten thousand. He is a third generation A.M.E Preacher. He is Dr. Jamal Bryant. He delivers a stirring message entitled, "The Audacity Of Hope".
He is on the cutting edge of Technology and Ministry as you can watch him walk out and speak directly on his website, http://www.jamalbryant.org/
His church, The Empowerment Temple Delivers multiple Services On Sunday at The Empowerment Temple Website
He is the author of "World War Me"
We open our broadcast by going to The Real Mary Mary Website on MySpace and a selection by Mary Mary called, "I'm Running" from "The Sound" release
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Elder Holman
Spike Lee returns to New Orleans Five years after Katrina for IF GOD IS WILLING AND DA CREEK DON'T RISE, a four hour, two part documentary debuting August 23rd and 24th, exclusively on HBO.
A little known secret, Spike was the spark that got BlackTree going in early 1996. While I was in college, Spike came to town to shoot his docudrama Get on the Bus in the dead of winter, I believe it was like February in Tennessee. Spike and the Jackie Robinson Foundation went to all of the local universities, Tennessee State, Vanderbilt, Fisk and David Lipscomb to recruit students to help P.A. on the project which was underfunded as Spike received little help from the studios but went out to actors like Danny Glover, Denzel, and friends like Jordan and Oprah to raise capital to make the film. The perfect dream for a P.A, an underfunded film with major talent, because as a P.A that means that you are going to get major experience. While normally, a PA (Production Assistant) spends his time getting coffee or grabbing waters, we were thrust into the production helping with everything from building dolly tracks to working with the extras to even standing in on some scenes. I even had 1 second of fame as I had a non speaking role that required me to give my best Oscar performance walking from a pick up truck into a convenience store, it was the best 1 second performance of my life! The cast of the film was filled with great actors from the now deceased Ossie Davis and Bernie Mac to then newcomer Hill Harper and other actors like Isaiah Washington, Andre Brauer, Roger Guenveur Smith, Harry Lennix and Wendell Pierce who would later become familiar faces on the big screen. Let me not forget Charles 'Rock' Dutton, who til this day I credit with inspiring me to be better. I mean, this was the experience of my life, especially since until that day I had never considered the possibility of being on a film set, I was finishing up my sophomore year and was well on my way to being what I considered to be my destiny, a medical doctor. Not just any medical doctor, but a specialized neurologist creating medical miracles with my hands and my grasp of science. So this was all new to me. I remember the first day that Spike actually took some time to really speak to us on individual levels, something I didn't even think would occur on a film set. I was a stranger to film sets, but I knew that the PA is not wasting the directors time with conversation, so I was shocked when Spike approached me and asked me about my afro, I was amazed. So I asked him about a shot he did in one of my favorite movies, Malcolm X, and he explained it to me, and from that minute I knew that I had found a new love. I had instantly fell in love with film the way that people fall in love with their perfect match. The crazy thing is that it had found me, I wasn't seeking to find a new career goal, or to dream a new dream. I was perfectly satisfied with which way I was going in life. But at that very moment, I knew I wanted to sit in one of those directors chairs. BlackTree had not yet formed into my mind, but not more than 5 months after shooting this film, I started BlackTree. I started it with a dream to be able to one day tell the world something, and I have. A couple of things came together at that time to make it all possible, one the 1996 Olympics were being held in my hometown, two I got my first camera a Hi 8, and three the internet was sprouting out of it's infancy into childhood and starting to show it's personality, and I got it. and that was the start of BlackTree and the end of my medical career, at least for the time being. 14 years later BlackTree Media is one of the most watched content providers on the web, our content can be indexed on over 64,000 websites and over 350 Million views on YouTube alone. So this interview was truly an honor, it is like seeing things come full circle. Now my ultimate dream will be to do a film with Spike, who knows.....maybe..... Thank you Spike for taking the time. Thank you for opening my mind to new dreams and aspirations, you've helped to change my life.
Warmest Regards,
Jamaal Finkley
Topic: Spinning Your Web with Mike Edward Holman
Date: Wednesday, May 26, 2010
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US Gospel Superstars, Mary Mary, do an in-depth interview with Michael on the UK's premier Gospel TV show, ONE to One, which broadcasts in Europe via Genesis TV (Sky 592) & Revelation TV (Sky 585).
Showing this and every Sunday @ 9PM on GENESIS TV, Sky 592 or watch live online at www.genesistv.tv. Visit www.myspace.com/theonetooneshow for more information
Unleashing the Power of Facebook Fan Pages:
Question: I notice on your Facebook FanPage there is a tab called, "Wealthy Place ®", which is obviously your Non-Profil Ministry and Registered Trademark.
How do you with Facebook Fan Pages, get your own separate page tab next to "Wall", "Info", "Boxes", etc?
Also how are you able to put your own content in this tab here on Facebook Fan Pages?
It seems like you are able to create you own Website Page all with your own content?
Also are their templates to help you build your Fan Page Tab?
You are absolutely correct!
You are given that power through something I just shared on my Pace University Blackboard group.
It's called Facebook Markeup Language or "FBML".
Just like you can add templates to your webpages you can add templates to your Fan Pages right on Facebook.
Go to http://www.fanpageengine.net/ on Facebook to see the available templates
The world wide web has become the wild wild west: ruthless, lawless, every man for himself. Each day billions of online scams are targeted at anyone and everyone in cyberspace, and if only a tiny fraction are successful, it's still incredibly lucrative. "H*COMMERCE: The Business of Hacking You" explores the inner workings of this dark trade and exposes how opening just one malicious email can disrupt a life or tear a family apart.
Documentary Director Davis Guggenheim and Producer Leslie Chilcott sat down with ScreenCrave.com at the 2010 Sundance Film Festival to talk about their latest film "Waiting for Superman"
MUST SEE. POWERFUL!!! The Late Rev. James Moore's testimony.
First Jurisdiction of East NY COGIC. Jurisdictional Bishop Gaylord, Jurisdictional Supervisor of Woman, Mother Harris.
The International Church Of God In Christ. Presiding International Bishop Blake and International Supervisor of Woman Mother Rivers
Inspired by the true story of the arrest of two woman who were involved in a robbery at a check cashing store in Los Angeles. They took refuge in a local church. Two desperate woman were forever changed...by trusting the Lord would provide.
Story by Kenneth Halsban and Jean Claude Lamarre ( http://www.jeanclaudelamarre.com/ )
Audio of one of the greatest men in the pentecostal movement who also founded the Church if God in Christ Inc. Bishop Mason in this video is heard singing and praying with the members of his church Mason Temple Church of God in Christ in Memphis,Tennessee
CNN Interview with Jean Claude Lamarre ( http://www.jeanclaudelamarre.com/ ) announcing Dan Charlier
The official music video for I Worship You from the 3x Grammy nominated cd "THE SOUND" by Mary Mary.
Out of God's favor, this benefit concert ended up at Club 3 Degrees, Make sure to support the Haitian Church at churcheshelpingchurches.com. Lecrae's song Far Away, all proceeds are going to Haiti. (Beginning is footage of the earthquake).
Lady A sits down with Pastor Jamal Bryant of Empowerment Temple to discuss AIDS, Africa and Education. Pastor Bryant tells Alegra about the growth of Empowerment Temple and his hope to see God manifested in the heart of Baltimore.