Geoff Canada
Description: Geoff Canada, of the Harlem Children's Zone talks about the danger of allowing technology to widen the gap between rich kids and poor kids and our responsiblity to ensure that this does not happen.
Ministry based on Psalm 66:12 Website Click Here For http://www.wealthy-place.org/ *There is NO relationship between any Forex Post and any other Business posts*
1) A Free Service for using your computer to Receive and Make Phone Calls
2) A Free Service to have Conference calls with up to 96 People and be able to reoord and play them back.
Two packages exist today and are expected to be free for 2011. Beyond that we are uncertain of how "FREE" they will be. Whatever and I mean whatever your business is from "For Profit" to "Not For Profit" you need these two free services.
You need to be able to dial a number to Host the Conference Calls and you need to be able Host it for Free. Also those calling in need to be able to dial in for Free.
Even with just the Free Dialing, this is an invaluable services in and of itself. No more waiting for unlimited nights and weekend or low long distances cost, try Free Long Distance costs!
The services which you may have already heard of are as follows:
1. Google Voice - To Make the Free Call to Host your Conference Calls
2. Free Conference Call dot com - To Host or Participate in your Conferences.
Enjoy and Make It Rain In 2011!!!
He served as the director of the NAACP’s youth and college division. He is the Pastor of the fastest growing church in the A.M.E. Denomination. His church grew from forty three supporters to ten thousand. He is a third generation A.M.E Preacher. He is Dr. Jamal Bryant. He delivers a stirring message entitled, "The Audacity Of Hope".
He is on the cutting edge of Technology and Ministry as you can watch him walk out and speak directly on his website, http://www.jamalbryant.org/
His church, The Empowerment Temple Delivers multiple Services On Sunday at The Empowerment Temple Website
He is the author of "World War Me"
We open our broadcast by going to The Real Mary Mary Website on MySpace and a selection by Mary Mary called, "I'm Running" from "The Sound" release
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Elder Holman