THE LINK TO THE UPCOMING BLOG TALK RADIO SHOW IS HERE We've been in Ministry for about 30 years & we say with the utmost Godly conviction, "The Office Of The Prophet rests upon our Guest for this Broadcast, Rev. E. Edward Robinson, II" We asked him to move as God leads him. Whatever he desires to share regarding the move of God that he is seeing or whatever God is going or has done in his ministry. Join us and our Guest, Rev. E. Edward "The Preaching Prophet" Robinson, II, The Chief Servant and Found of Go`Judah Evangelistic Ministries, also known as “G.E.M.” along with Elect Lady Ebony Robinson Currently on a Tour (stopping in addition to U.S. locations, overseas in Africa and London), as noted at, with an "Apostolic and Prophetic Assignment to cause a spiritual awakening of the people of God all over the globe" Just a portion of his Bio reads as follows: Ecclesiastical Accomplishments Brother Robinson accepted his call to Preach the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, May 21st 1994. He was thus licensed to minister by Bishop Harrison Hale, Cornerstone COGIC on June 24th, 1994. Because of Faithful service to the church and the call of God to increase he service Minister Robinson was ordained Elder, April of 2002. Elder Robinson served on the Executive Board of the Church of God In Christ Guatemala, Inc. in the office of Executive Secretary; He also served as Executive Secretary & Chief of Staff (Ministerial Affairs) and Executive Vice President of Affairs of the Cornerstone Evangelistic Temple C. O. G. I. C. and corporate offices. Elder Robinson, being led by the Holy Ghost, founded Go`Judah Evangelistic Ministries, also known as “G.E.M.” August of 2004. Website: